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Black Bride

Its been a while I have posted my last written words to this blog here. Not that there were no things going on or happening, actually on the contrary... there were too many things going on. I have been working and travelling with my small son as well.

Now the time is a bit more calm so I can write about my recent shooting. While I was in Greece in the summer, I was booked for a wedding in late September. So it has finally come to it. I have not seen the bride and the groom before so I had no idea about the couple.

When I met them just in front of a beautiful villa at Cernosice town in central Czech Republic, they seemed really nice people, polite and I must say also peaceful. I have seen some weddings before and not all of them were only pleasant. Sometimes I could sense the people were nervous or maybe not that decided, who knows. Here, I just felt the peace. And imagine how strange it may sound when you I am going to tell you that the bride was wearing a black dress. One would think its somewhat sad or bad or just something not very positive at all, but on her it looked just marvellous. She did make a coment about it and explained she only wears black in her everyday life and she would just not feel nice in any other colour. That was why she had decided to wear it for her wedding as well. And yes, it was a good decision I must say, or at least for my senses and my lense.

It was a small wedding, just groom and bride and two witnesses. Usually weddings like that are more difficult to photograph for me, because less people can mean less fun or activity in general. This time I have not even noticed how the time flew. And what is more - despite the late September wedding the weather was really nice and sun was shining, warming this happy couple with its kind autumn rays. I am very pleased with the photos so if you feel like it, just have a look and see for yourself if my words are true. :)

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