
My Dream, 16th September - 10th October 2019, Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic
A small selection of my photos accompanying opening of a play by William Shakespear

Women Aloud, 2nd September - 31st October 2018
This exhibition happened fast so I only had a little time to prepare new prints. Even so there I managed to handprint 7 new photos out of which one was never published anywhere else before. The space I was given by Jakub Pasternak - owner of Cafe V Sedmem nebi was an upstairs part of his cafeteria. The opening happened on Wednesday 5th September and I myself was surprised by the number of people who showed up. My opening speech was short and therefore let me thank to Jakub for letting me exhibit there and also thanks to Pavel Kormunda for his support through long years, to my boyfriend Ennio who is a great source of inspiration for me and last but not least to my amazing and faithful models!
The exhibition is opened till end of October so if you want to stop by or buy some of my works, you are surely welcome!
Cafeteria V Sedmem nebi, Zborovská 68, Prague 5, Czech Republic

Women Aloud, 10.6.2017 - 9.7.2017
It is approximately two months since Marketa Vlckova and myself agreed on an exhibition at Gallery Prokopka, Prague. Eventhough I have plentry of photos to exhibit from previous exhibitions, I have decided to to hand-print some new photos this time again. This year I had a very inspiring spring which has brought many new photos to show. Finally 9 of all 20 photos exhibitied at Prokopka were new. The exhibition was opened on 10th of June as a part of Zizkovske Mezidvorky festival and I was really pleased with the quantity of people which came. if you had not had time to see it at the opening, it is still hanging there till 9th July.
Prokopka Gallery, Prokopova 9, Prague, Czech Republic
Women Aloud, 23rd November 2016 - 17th January 2017
I was very pleased to open my exhibition at Leica Gallery Cafe on Wednesday 23rd November. We have been in touch with Leica for about a year and then finally 16 photos was hanging on the wall ready for visitors or just passers by.
I think this is the first time my photos are all hanging on one wall so once you enter the cafe, you get kind of surrounded by my the photos... or at least I have the feeling.
Lots of my models came for the opening so I have a pleasure to show their photos here. Get pleased, inspired or just smile if you like, but most of all, if you have a way to downtown of Prague, come and see for yourself. It will be hanging till 17th January 2017.
Last, but not least - let me thank to Olga Chvalova from Leica Gallery, Honza Sakar alias "fotograf na plech", Pavel Kormuda and my mother for helping me to make it happen!
Leica Gallery Cafe, Prague, Czech Republic
Akta Erotika, 2016
Vast exhibition of Czech nude photography contaning roughly 400 photographs from 130 Czech authors. It shows not only historical and famous artists as Frantisek Drtikol or Taras Kuscynskij, but also contemporary photographers, one of them being myself with 4 of my photos. You can see this exhibition till 4th of September 2016, it has been opened since 1st July 2016. www.aktaerotika.eu
Galerie ABF, Vaclavske nam. 31, Prague 1

Women Aloud, 2016
I personally opened a collection of 18 photos from my works on Sunday 24th April at Kavovarna, passage Lucerna, Prague. For me this place has a special meaning, because it has been years since I have first gone in there and dreamt about exhibiting just there. Its a coffeee place, I know, what a strange dream to have for a photographer... But! They were always exhibiting really nice works there and what is more - I just loved going there for wine or coffee, talking about stupidities or important things. You can imagine my happiness when we finally agreed on my exhibition there earlier this year. Thanks very much to Mr. Horak and all my models and other friends who helped making this happen!
Kavovarna, Stepanska 61, Prague

Women Black, Women White, 2016
There is a beautiful, cosy cafeteria with even more beautiful owner Danuse and her daughter Adela who offered me to show my photos in their place. Could I refuse? Not really. So here we are, opening my small exhibition in there on Wednesday 10th February. Come, have coffee, cake or another delicacy from their menu and enjoy my photos with it. And.. last but not least - you can also buy the photos, if you fall in love. :)
Ceska Lipa, Czech Republic, Florian Cafe

Cahowomen, 2015
The exhibition Cahowoman at Gallery Analogue, Vlasska 10, Prague 1, the Czech Republic www.analogue.cz/galerie/was opened personally by me on Thursday 9th April. I very much enjoyed my guests, models and some rose wine as well. :) You could see and also buy 37 hand made darkroom prints hanging on the walls of this beautiful gallery located just in the centre of historic Prague. I personally very much enjoyed hanging in such a beautiful place. Thanks Analogue!
Prague, Czech Republic, Gallery Analogue

Soulintrospect, 2013
My exhibition in Athens was opened on Monday 25th February at 18.00 and lasted till Sunday 31st March at Beton 7 www.beton7.com. This time, I have decided to go through all my years of photographic creativity so you could have seen pictures which are 9 years old as well as others which were only taken a month back from the exhibition itself.
Facebook link to the event : http://www.facebook.com/events/416701015086932/
Athens, Greece, Beton Gallery

Exhibition of Totem photographers, 2013
There is a lovely webpage www.totem.cz where I go to see arts of others and also publish my own pictures. I was asked if I wanted to participate on a shared exhibition of Totem's photographers in Canada and delightfully I said yes. Three of mine pictures are now on display (5th February 2013 - 5th April 2013) in coffee place Calico, 316 Bay Street, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. Thanks a lot to everybody involved!
Ontario, Canada

Cahovsky Portrait and Cahowomen, 2012
Cahovsky Portrait and Cahowomen are exhibited in Greek Athens from 31st May till 11th June 2012 at gallery Black Duck, Christou Lada 9a, 105 61 Athens www.blackduck.gr. You will see 26 hand printed black and white pictures and you are also able to purchase them. Thank you for coming if you come, thank you for buying if you buy, thank you for your smile even if you sit at home!
Athens, Greece, Black Duck Gallery

Cahowomen, 2011
Globe bookstore and Cafe www.globebookstore.cz/ presented Adriana Cahova's photographs in a set called Cahowomen.
The opening party took place on Monday 29th August and you could see a fashion performance by LUCID (Lucie Janatova Fashion) www.BOORKSHINE.com. Lucie Janatova is one of my models who creates original fashion. Her motto is: All about the human design. The place was full, smoke and lasers were painting a nice atmosphere together with music of DJ Matoa. You are welcome to browse through the pictures and get a bit of this experience for yourself. Mots of them are work by my friend photographer Honza Sakar www.saki.cz .
Prague, Czech Republic, Globe Bookstore and Cafe

Cahowomen, 2010
When I found out that there is a marvellous project called Mikser taking place in Belgrade, Serbia, it got myself interested. This project shows artworks of young starting or even established designers, painters, photographers etc.
I was offered to show 12 photos at the entrance to a design showroom which was situated in 7 floors building. I chose a selection of portraits (6) and nudes (6) to present. They were sent there in advance and fortunatelly I managed to arrive when the whole action was already in progress. people were comming, watching, sometimes watching for longer time, I was watching them, curÃous what they think and how they percieve it. However as lots of other artists I tend to be kind of a shy personality and I did not go and ask, I only observed the visitors. Quietly and happily.
Belgrade, Serbia, Mikser

Cahovsky Portrait, 2009
One of my exhibition dreams in Prague was to exhibit in a little saloon/gallery Konicek (Little Horse) which belong to the Lucerna restaurant located in a very heart of beautiful Prague.
It is a very cosy place with a fireplace and bookshelves inviting interesting people to sit and talk there. I was invited to exhibit 13 black and white photographs and so I choose again Cahovsky portrait series. The whole opening party left a warm feeling in my soul, some of my models also visited and saw their big faces hanging on the wall
Prague, Czech Republic, Saloon Konicek

Cahovsky Portrait, 2009
It was already in autumn 2008 when Director Tomas Ondrasek contacted me on behalf of town library of Most http://www.knihovnamost.cz/ and asked me if I would be interested to exhibit my works at their exhibition hall.
Naturally I was delighted to show for the fist time the series of portrait called "Cahovsky portrait". I must say that while producing them in a dark room, I had a hard time. The photos were huge and I hardly fit inside the whole room with them. But finally I produced all and was able to deliver them at the agreed date.
After the exhibition I even got written opinions of some of the visitors, which of course was again a nice experience and important feedback for me.
Most, Czech Republic, Gallery of Town library

Cahowomen, 2009
It was winter time, the Czech Republic was all covered with white snow and I came to one Czech town called Chomutov to install my exposition of 20 photographs. Only a security guy was present in a town theatre, he unlocked the doors for me and ran to make himself a cup of hot tea. I went upstairs where not only the photos but also the opening party are going to be the other day. I have to say that my framed photographs looked nice in the antique hall of the thearte and eventhough I was all dirty after I finished, I felt just great!
Chomutov, Czech Republic, Town Theatre

My Fairytales, 2008
There is many beautiful places in Prague. One of them is definitely Cafe Samsa samsa.psomart.cz/ where you can not only drink whatever you like but also buy books. I always liked to come there and discuss with my friends about things on Earth and above. And one day an exposition happened. In this place which is for me so inspirative and cosy I happened to exhibit ptographs from cycle My Fairytales. He opening party was wild and guests were present and so the author hereby declares that she was very happy and sends her thanks to the owner of the Cafe – Rehor Samsa..
Prague, Czech Republic, Samsa Cafe

Nudes by Women, Nudes by Men, 2008
One of the shared projects where I also participated was called Akt okem Zeny, Akt okem muze (Nudes by Women, Nudes by Men) and happened in a nice small gallery in Prague callked P+P Kobylka. I enjoyed being part of this also because I was interested if there would be any similarities in Nudes taken by men or women and differences according to different sex of the author of the photo. Even though the project was interesting, I could not find anything which would define one or other group of authors. Maybe the scale of photographers was too small (5 men and 5 women, 2 photos each) or maybe there is nothing we can generalize, because being of a different sex simply does not play any role in the actual creations. I still do not know. :)
Prague, Czech Republic, P + P Kobylka gallery

Muse by Muses, 2007
Muse by Muses (in original Muza ocima Muz) was a project created by Josef Louda and his friend a beautiful harphenist Zbynka Solcova. Czech female photographers were asked to take a picture of Zbynka and her harph. The final reward for all was not only all the photos exposed in the Czech State Opera in Prague but also a nice publication with all the photos included. The whole exhibition then travelled across the Czech Republic.
Prague, Czech Republic, State Opera

People Through My Eyes, 2006
Everybody needs to starts somehow. Even I did. I still remember myself entering Foto Skoda in Prague, which is a big photographic magazine with its own gallery, and hoping to be able to persuade somebody to show my photos. And to my huge surprise I did. So there it was - my first opening party in Minigallery of Foto Skoda in September 2006. I have recieved my first opening champagne and my first opening flowers and kept smile on my face for the whole evening.
Prague, Czech Republic, Foto Skoda Minigallery